"The Dog Has It's Day"

                 " The Day Of The Dog" is almost upon us and the band are looking forwards to playing live again.

                It has been sometime since their last outing and indeed this will be, only the fourth performance  of 2013.

               As most of you will be aware, last month was spent in Germany, progressing their recordings.

               With Sven at the helm of getting the records down and proving a hard task master, Dale and Axel have found the time, whilst fairly intesive to be highly productive.

                Indeed extremely productive, with enough material, some older songs recorded and well into double figures of new songs written and recorded for No. 2 and probably 3 and 4.

              Additionally there are a two collaborations, one with Proffesor Elemental and one with Lord Montague Jaques Fromage, which will hopefully see the light of day soon.

               Sven is continuing the mastering over in Germany and although a lot more work needs to be put into turning things into a cd, it is anticipated that the release of Number Two, should not be too distant, with a vinyl version to follow later.

             Since time back in the UK has been fairly brief it is unlikely that any of the newer songs will get an airing on Saturday so you can expect a set featuring all your favourites.

             With time flying and and "The Day" almost upon we will have to conclude a slightly sparse blog at that.

            Last week's blog has much detail relating to "Day Of The Dog" included and you can still grab tickets via https://www.facebook.com/update_security_info.php?wizard=1#!/events/445535842180074/


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