"Gimp'me Three Steps"
BB as they have never been sen before. Thanks to Giles Warhurst for the picture.
A couple of local shows this weekend, to get back into the groove, before festival season kicks in.
Friday (April 19th) it is back to The Fishpond, Matlock Bath. This time they are downstairs in the bar and will be airing a longer set than last weekend.
On Saturday they play The Bulls Head at Belper Lane End, Dale's real home venue. It is a little way out of Belper itself, a reasonable cab ride though or walk (check back to December 13th blog for details).
Both gigs are free entry and will start around 8pm.
A big Happy First Anniversary with the band to Mike this week.
Hope you caught the big announcement this week, launching "The Steampunk Experience" at AltFest 2014 if not have a look at the events page at https://www.facebook.com/BBBLACKDOG?ref=ts&fref=ts#!/events/239384216202258/ or the AltFest ad https://alt-fest.com/index.php/component/k2/item/101-the-steampunk-experience.
This is just the first release With over a year to go, you can expect more to follow in due course.
It certainly looks to be moving Steampunk to another plateau and all part of a bigger overall festival, catering for Gothic, Industrial, Metal, Circus and a main stage with acts still be released.
Will be nice to see "Skorbut"in the UK, the band with which Sven plays, whom BB have been working with on the German recording sessions.
Cannot leave without mentioning "The Day Of The Dog". A fabulous event which had a bit of everthing musically. The picture on this weeks blog shows, all three members of BB being "gimped" themselves.
The live rendition courtesy of "The Steampunk Supergroup", Dave EvilHutchins of Gladstone and Birthrite's Jonny Zygen on guitar and Mark Round on Bass and Dave Sharp attempting the vocals. BB's Mike also took on the vocals for a crack at Paranoid.
Gimp also had an outing from BB with guest dancer Karen Dore, being a welcome addition.
Nine bands, a supergroup, a preview of "Steampunk Convention" with Prof Elemental, an auction and a raffle, the pace never dropped all day. A super day and over £1000 raised as well.
There will be detailed Thanks elsewhere, so just to say a quick Big Thank You to all the bands, sound provision, organisation, people who donated and all those who paid to come and went on to help throughout the day.