Now Available On TheXX Sorry In The Black Market

Picture courtesy of Laurine Clifford Photography.

    Thought we had better have a shot of Mike, this week, since it is his home town swansong with BB on Saturday the 20th.

    BB will be playing The Black Market at Market Warsop near Mansfield on Saturday, so come and give Mike a big send off. It will also be a chance to catch his forthcoming replacement Molly who will be also be throwing a few dance moves.

     An extensive 2 set show being planned for the occasion and surprises and guests in the offing.
The small stage is being green screened for the night, so throw on your glad rags and get in on the act.

    Running hot and late this week so just a couple of mentions for the near future.

    Next week it is the Rock and Blues Old School Weekender near Pentrich in Derbyshire, a really great festival, upsized in capacity a little this year and with the addition of a third stage.

    The first weekend of August brings a home town return to The George and Dragon at Belper, Derbyshire and a Saturday trip to The Workhouse, Llanfyllin in Powys, home to last year's Phoenix event.

   Apologies again for this week's brevity. It's the heat you know!


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