Another Tale From The Crypt

          So Spring has sprung, apparently. Although all across the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter seems to require a reminder to "move along please".

          However in Germany, highly renowed for it's industrious output BB have certainly not disappointed, during this "long dark winter of the soul".

          Whilst we have no specifics regarding the results of their endeavours, they are extremely pleased with both output and the timeliness of it's progress, with three full albums worth of recorded material in their possession.

         Dale has explained though, that the post recording process usually takes more time to complete than the recording itself, often throwing up the odd re-record along the way.

         Suffice to say, that it has been an highly productive time and they still a week left.

        Upon their return to Derbyshire it will be a short run up to "Day Of The Dog" where BB will return to the live stuff, for the first time since February.

        For the Steampunks amongst you in particular, there are some really nice items being donated for the auction on the day, have a look at the event page at!/events/445535842180074/.

       From the crypt this week, a reminder if you are not familiar, with one of BB's two 2008 videos. Music Saves Me, which was filmed by Mika Reshoft at The Hexenkessel in Oldenburg.

     The film features an old friend of the band Pepe as "Gimp Dog", the bars owner Udo as "well pretty much as" Udo and Michael Hahn, who was the producer on the originals demos as the cleaner.

     It turned out to be a torrid time for Michael, breathless and sweating his proverbials.

     Inside the toilet there was 5000W of lighting and a smoke machine,which no one could resist giving a blast of as they passed.
     The film was shot in an afternoon and was promptly celebrated with a barrel or two!




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