
Showing posts from March, 2013

Alt! Who's Going There?

       A brief one this week, since the dreaded BB BlackDeath virus, appears to be doing the rounds again.        Could not let the news pass though, that there is only five days left on Altfest's Kickstarter promotion, featuring great ticket offers/        Least you should have missed out on what Altfest is, please allow a quick preview.        It is a major new three day festival to be held in August 2014. We are talking up to 55,000 people. Main stage acts have yet to be released, however with a dedicated "Steampunk Experience" stage with BB comissioned to "attend to the details" it may well be worth attendance for that alone.      There is much more though!  Stages dedicated to Goth, Metal and Industrial, a circus tent run by "The Circus Of Horrors" and they are promising the best in shopping catering, b...

Another Tale From The Crypt

          So Spring has sprung, apparently. Although all across the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter seems to require a reminder to "move along please".           However in Germany, highly renowed for it's industrious output BB have certainly not disappointed, during this "long dark winter of the soul".           Whilst we have no specifics regarding the results of their endeavours, they are extremely pleased with both output and the timeliness of it's progress, with three full albums worth of recorded material in their possession.          Dale has explained though, that the post recording process usually takes more time to complete than the recording itself, often throwing up the odd re-record along the way.          Suffice to say, that it has be...

Days Of Future Past

              Just a brief one this week. Will give an update of how the recording is going next week.        Apparently everything is moving on at pace, although the only current evidence are the pictures,showing that they are thoroughly enjoying playing in the snow!       Just take the opportunity for you to check your diaries, maps and bank accounts, to see where you like to be in this forthcoming (hopefully fantastically hot and sunny) spring and summer.       The early dates for "Day Of The Dog" at The Fishpond in Matlock Bath, April 13th. "Aethercircus", Stade, weekend of May the 3rd and "Steampunks In Springtime, Looe in Cornwall on the 10th are covered in last week's blog.       Following on from  Saturday the 18th May, there it is "The Frome Steampunk Extravaganza" a new event at the town...

Studious Times

      Axel and Dale should have completed the long trip to Lubeck by the time you are reading this. The purpose of the trip is to spend the month in the studio recording more tracks and polishing some of the exsisting material as we mentioned last week.       With a concentrated period available for working on recording projects, the yield will hopefully be of a rewarding nature. We will try and keep abreast of progress and update next week.        Whilst the output from these sessions will be much anticipated, it does inevitably mean no UK shows this month, not sure if the schedule may allow for an outing around Lubeck at some point yet.        Dale did leave an update on Monday, detailing where abouts we are regarding equipment replacement on the facebook page!/BBBLACKDOG?fref=ts .       If you would l...