Every Dog Has It's Day

         First up this week, is the breaking news that a BB equipment replacing fund raising event has been announced. This will hence forth be known as "The Day Of The Dog" and will take place at The Fishpond in Matlock Bath on Saturday April 13th.

         Thanks to The Fishpond for venue use and to the artists, Birthrite, Crimson Clocks, Gladstone, Metropolis, Whiskey Bob Shaker and 3 Second Fuse, also Ted Edwards, for sound provision, all of whom have donated their collectively brilliant talents.

         Additionally BB are going to play themselves, dancing is being assembled, some special moments are being formulated and one more band may be joining in.

         With the setting being Matlock Bath, the event should attract both local fans and the wider Steampunk community to what is undeniably becoming a "must" area to visit.

        Since, due to the event being a little distance hence and funding desired sooner rather than later, coupled to the very real likelyhood of a sell out, advance ticket details will be available soon, along with some accomodation suggestions at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/events/445535842180074/.

      With tickets priced at just £7 in advance, for a fabulous programme of entertainment, why not treat yourself now.

      Another mention of  another opportunity to help out at http://www.indiegogo.com/bbblackdog, where you donate, in return for BB goodies. As one fine purveyor of equine cuisine says "every little helps"

    Mike has also announced his intentions to have a sponsored body hair wax, to take place at The Psychedelic Steampunk day at The Matlock Bath Grand Pavillion, on February 2nd, BB's stage return.  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/events/114762252027017/. Should be good for the high notes after that if Dale fancies some harmonies.
   One other nifty little item to mention. If you would like to sport a small version of  the BB crest, in the bottom righthand corner of your facebook profile picture check out,http://www.picbadges.com/badge/2990823/#.

    And now, the time machine takes us back to England in the June of 2007.

    With a couple a gigs under their belt, confidence is growing. The only snag is, if you remember that summer in England, it began to rain a bit!

    A call is received to say that the radio interview planned for the day is off, due to it raining a bit more!

    No worries, the spare time allows for a few more beers, both Axel and Stefan now aquiring a penchant for the local ales and Newcastle Brown.

    Sunday is a day off  and one spent quietly indoors, whilst it continued to rain, with that heavy drizzle anyone not native to The British Isles, would probably consider monsoon.

   Top gig lined up for the Monday night, supporting the legendary Dr. John and his band Zhain at The Boardwalk or "Mucky Duck" as the now closed venue was affectionately know in Sheffield.

   Except it just kept on raining and Sheffield, built on seven hills and five rivers,under extreme, makes for a fine temporary reservoir and fifteen minutes into the journey the gig was cancelled.

   Tavelling in a Range Rover (other 4x4's are available), they decided to continue on. The venue sits a fair way up Snig Hill, and provided a panoramic view of the situation, watching helichopters airlifting people to safety.

   The following day, with no gig and more rain, they sat and wrote "Stranded In Sheffield" as Dale has said it could have been their "Smoke On The Water" Maybe it is time that one saw the light of day again.

   Two more shows on the following nights at good venues. The Vic in Derby first with a couple of young local bands, Climbing Chalk and TFX, who play well and crank up the Germans anxieties again, however a tuxedo'd Dale and Axel in his first pink garb, play best yet, despite a touch of the flu/runs which besets Axel.

   The last show on the leg is at The Diamond in Sutton, best performance so far, unfortunately the ever persistant rain keeps numbers down, at a big venue. Good number of cd sales though.

   A wave off to the German contingent at the railway station the following morning and a two month wait to play in Germany.



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