BB Blackdog-Belly Dancers,Choppers And Some Cunning Stunts

      Live at Rock and Blues, Pentrich on Saturday, pictures courtesy of Cas Sharp

    The sun was shining at the weekend and made for an excellent show at Rock and Blues on Saturday afternoon. Demolitia was joined by further members of Boudica Revival during the performance,adding further ambience and fascilitating a wider audience participation of "Gimp",

   It must be said that rather than a detrement, the fact that the set was split into thirds, punctuated by firstly a parade of prize winning choppers, streetfighters, scooters and hot rods, then secondly a break featuring some dramatic stunt flying, all enhanced and prolonged the experience.

  Saturday was actually the second appearance of the weekend. Since the band were on site Friday, they were happy to cover a gap in the bill, with one of their acoustic sets, for those not familiar with these occasional diversifications, they feature, a small plastic guitar, from good old ebay and a set of actual "Barbie" drums from Toys r us! Always well received, though never previously by a crowd of such magnitude.

   Whilst on the subject, news is just breaking of a new biker orientated festival for the bank holiday weekend near Matlock, which is looking to have BB playing on two of the three days, more details soon,

   An interesting feature arising from Rock and Blues was "The Derby Evenning Telegraph's" article which has coined a new sub-genre, involving presumably just BB Blackdog, "Streampunk". To be fair it was quite loud when they were asking their questions.

   Good news and thanks to all, in finishing second in the Cram Duplications competition, so hopefully so new material on release soon.

   Talking of released material, not many copies of the original demo left now, so if you fancy one catch the band next time out, which will be The Sitwell Tavern in Derby on the 10th, then The Barley Mow at Bonsall on the 18th. Also some really nice BB crest arm/pocket/anywhere you like i suppose patches available.


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