BB Blackdog-At The Steampunk Summer Solstice
Apologies for being late to print this week. Especially on a week which brings forth the biggest happening of the Steampunk year so far.
Great shows last week at Sutton, Wakefield and Birmingham, if sadly the inclemancy of the weather kept numbers down a little.
So let's have a look at what Saturday has on offer for the discerning Steampunk or indeed for anyone with an interest in what will be occuring.
The main stage, in front of The Rockface itself, features a headlining set from BB Blackdog and kicks off at 2pm. The event site opens at 11.45am
Support comes from Northamptonshire's Gladstone a Steampunk band with their own growing reputation.
Moth, based in London bring a mellower feel to the proceedings, with a good selection of recordings behind, now looking to widen their live performances.
The fourth Steampunk band are the recently forged from previous incarnations, Crimson Clocks who played with BB blackdog last weekend in their home city of Birmingham.
For your further musical delights, the man who began as The Rebel Without Applause, in Ipswich, now a resident of Chesterfield and who has morphed into Whisky Bob Shaker.
Matlock Heavy Metal protagonists, 3 Second Fuse, a band fast growing in stature, bringing their own material and the odd excellent cover to The Rockface.
Beeker And The Temperance Society Blues Band from Belper and it will be nice to see their ex BB Blackdog bassist, Dark Horse aka John Ferguson again.
More sounds earlier in the day from solo artists, feturing a mix of originals and covers from Harriet(Brooke McDonnell) from Derby. Lincolnshire's Stuart Robinson and 3 Second Fuse drummer Mark Howarth.
Demolitia Tribal apart from apperaing with BB Blackdog will be dancing in various guises throughout the day, along with some running dance workshops (one would be happy with half of Demolitia's energy).
There will be a Steampunk Bazaar with over thirty stalls, offering all the eclactic and ingeneous fare you could hope for.
Oh and 20 real ales available at £2.50 a pint, a barbecue, a hog roast, candyfloss and ice creams, a steam engine, fun fair ride, traditional games to play, an opportunity to enter into tea duelling and more.
All at The Lime Kiln in Wirksworth, Derbyshire access via the Trent Barton Sixes from Matlock and Belper, connections from further afield by train and Transpeak buses. Tickets £6 on the door. Details of accomodation and camping available from Steampunk Summer Solstice website or facebook event page.
As for the weather. Well since Steampunk holds a belief in time travel and the exsistance of infinite alternative realities all that is required is, that all attending Steampunks Timetravelers and Airshipirates set their apparatus to convene at reality where the weather on the 16th June 2012 in Wirksworth was good and a splendid time will be had by all.