Pumps,Truncheons,Dogs,Doublets and Going Underground.Sounds Like An Interesting February!
You may have already caught up with the new video for "Naive Common Sense" along the way. If not, it is well worth a viewing on You Tube or access via https://www.facebook.com/BBBLACKDOG?fref=ts. It has been cut by Karin at LuneCat Films, from some really atmospheric footage she found in a 1908 film entitled "Hotel Electrica". I find it really appealing and it works well with the track. Hope it gets some good viewing before the new vids. for the No. 2 tunes see the light of day. Still no release date, not long now though! At time of writing we have just broken the 3000 likes mark on the facebook page. Feels like quite a landmark to reach that point. Freebies in the offing again, for some randomly selected recipients celebrate the event. ...