It feels like high time we said hello to the new year, so felicitations to you all and hoping that 2014 brings to you all, that which you desire. Here in BB land it has been, at least in outwards appearance, a quiet start to the year. Like the ducks though, whilst serene on top, there is much going on beneath. The artwork for the physical release of the No. 2 album is being for-mated and expectations are high for a February release date, so hopefully details of a launch party soon. Karin is working on several new vids. in support of this along with a brace featuring tracks from the first album, which are again looking to see the light of day soon. Also behind the scenes Dale is working on the festival schedule for the year. The weekly acoustic open mic. sessions are already back, Tuesday nights at The Bulls Head, Belper Lane End, so if you fancy joining in or just checking out what's on, you know where we are. I understand that Molly was exercising her no...