OK - So It's Back In The Box Again.
BB should have been at "Out The Box" Festival on Sunday, however the whole event has now been cancelled. Not sure what the reason for the cancellation is, shame though, looked like a nice event to round the festival season off with. This week's pictures are courtesy of Michael Meister, taken at last Saturday's Reloaded Festival at Bad Segeberg. Really good turnout and both BB and Skorbut well received. Dale with his Skorbut hat on. Was it really that big? and Axel in pirate mode. Yes there is definitely a blacked out tooth! More good news from Germany, that the final mixing for the album is complete, just awaiting the artwork now. One live show for this coming weekend on Saturday night at The Red Lion in Fritchley, a small Derbyshire village situated between, Crich and Amberga...