You Wait Six Months, Then Two Come Along At Once!
Yes, a second Solstice celebration in store this weekend. Hot on the heels of last weekend's Sonic Rock Solstice, comes The Steampunk version. As was explained a couple of weeks back, the fact it does not fall upon the actual date, is nothing that cannot be accomodated with a little temporal tinkering. The second edition has been both waterproofed and expanded. Last year, whilst being a fabulous testimony to the spirit of Steampunk, it is an experience best not repeated. The Rockface behind The Lime Kiln in Wirksworth, is a truely dramatic setting, however it was perhaps fitting' that the stage bore a passing resemblance to Noah's Ark. A wetter day could not have been had.Good turn out though, under the circumstances and a rocking time. Mark I...