This Is Brewery Tap- Turn it up to 11
The latest vict...sorry...volunteer for Gimp being given the treatment by Demolitia at The George and Dragon last Friday. A good turn out at what is ostensibly Dale's local last week to welcome the band's return to playing in the UK. Another chance to catch them close to home this coming Sunday, when they play the Brewey Tap in Derby, which is just over the bridge the from the city centre on Derwent Street, just five minutes walk from the bus station, where as usual, the start is around the four o clock mark for a late afternoon early evening show. It is hard to believe that fifty one weeks have passed by since it was the venue for 2011's end of the year performance, with Axel returning to Germany for Christmas afterwards. Having just been home, this time around he is staying here, so BB playing right th...