
Showing posts from November, 2012

This Is Brewery Tap- Turn it up to 11

         The latest vict...sorry...volunteer for Gimp being given the treatment by Demolitia at The George and Dragon last Friday.        A good turn out at what is ostensibly Dale's local last week to welcome the band's return to playing in the UK.        Another chance to catch them close to home this coming Sunday, when they play the Brewey Tap in Derby, which is just over the bridge the from the city centre on Derwent Street, just five minutes walk from the bus station, where as usual, the start is around the four o clock mark for a late afternoon early evening show.       It is hard to believe that fifty one weeks have passed by since it was the venue for 2011's end of the year performance, with Axel returning to Germany for Christmas afterwards. Having just been home, this time around he is staying here, so BB playing right th...

By George, It Must Be Belper!

              Appear to have run virtually out of time this week, so  apologies a very brief edition for now.         Back earlier next week with a fuller version, including the low down on the birth of BB Blackdog back in 2007. If you are wondering what this week's picture is, it is something that turned up in the antiques and curios section whilst looking back through the archives, being the cover of A Happy Citizens cassette release featuring Dale way back in 1986.             Just in time to remind everyone that Dale and Axel are back from their European shows and will be reunited on stage tonight with Mike and Demolitia. So come on down and welcome them home at The George and Dragon,Belper,which for those who do not know is situated on Bridge Street(A6), easy access from Belper Rail and Transpeak bus. ...

No Sleep Till Hamburg(smith)

The pictures are from the green screen competition held earlier in the year and are currently being used to promote shows in Germany.              Excellent reports coming back from the festival in Arnhem of a great reception and thanks once again to one and all who made the band feel so welcome.             A very busy schedule this week in the North of Germany and full details of the venues and show times are available from last week's blog or the band page at  .           Just a brief recap       Tuesday 13th Chill Bar Palenke, Kiel       Wednesday 14th-Hexenkessel, Oldenburg In Holstein       Thursday 15th-Alten Zum alten Zolln, Lubeck      ...

It's 482 Miles To Arnhem. We Got A Full Flask of Darjeeling, Half A Pouch Of Bacca. It's Dark And We Are Wearing Goggles!

       One last solo outing for Dale on Wednesday at The Black Market, Market Warsop before he travels to Europe for the weekend. This is a geat opportunity to catch him in one of  his rare "TimeTravelSick Dale" moments.        With Demolitia and Mike staying back in the UK, Dale travels onwards to The Netherlands to reunite with Axel and volunteer/borrowed/pressganged, bassist Sven Blutsvente from the German pirate band Scorbut.        On Saturday BB are playing at The Emporium Vernesque in Arnhem, the first Steampunk festival to be held in the city. It is an all day event at Willemeen, Willemsplein 1. Along with BB on the entertainement programme are Dutch band Ball Noir, who incorporate metal and folk with drum and bass, all apparently suitable for balfolk dancing and the equally intriguing German band Schwarzblut who set Weimar period poetry to an Electro backdrop....

A Steamin Night In The Second City

         Pictures courtesy of Linzie Cooke, top two and Willam F Thorneye for the bottom two. All taken last Saturday during the excellent Hallowsteam event at The Roadhouse, Birmingham.       Last week's planned fairly quiet weekend turned hectic in the end, with the Derby and Birmingham jaunts punctuated with a little trip to Whitehaven on The Cumbrian Coast to play The John Paul Jones.       This week will definitely provide some respite, prior to a round trip to Germany's Baltic Coast at the end of next week, involving six shows in eight days.       With Axel already gone ahead, to catch up at home, it leaves just one engagement this weekend.  On Friday Dale and his guitar are travelling to the delightful, real ales a speciality, Princess Victoria in Matlock Bath for an evening of music dance.    ...